This is a great question. Currently, there is a lot of recent research confirming that doing a variety of movements greatly benefits your body and all of its systems, including emotional health. For maximum benefit, Lee suggests committing to a daily routine three times a week alternating days with a routine that has a variety of movements. For example, you can practice Swimming Dragon three times a week, interspersed with Lee's Live Class subscription the other three days.
The Live Class Subscription has a variety of movements, but they are also doing similar things with only a slight variation, there is enough of a routine and variation to benefit everyone. Finding a weekly practice can also be an individual preference from person to person. Lee suggests choosing a balance of practices to whatever makes you feel grounded, and using your intuition to what best fits you and your lifestyle. Have fun.
What is included in the Video Class Subscription?
Please keep in mind we are not medical professionals, this material is for educational purposes and is not intended to replace the advice, diagnosis, or treatments of your physician or healthcare practitioner. We encourage you to seek advice from your medical professional or physician regarding the applicability of the suggested practices above.